Sunday, 9 December 2012


This week's post is taken up by my excellent cat Tobias. I've had him for nine years now, having chosen him from a picture on the Foal Farm website. He'd been a stray for a long time and was very scared of everything. It's only now that I can use tin foil without him running away.

So last week he went to the V.E.T. because he has a sore ear. He's on antibiotics, which I shove inside a piece of cheese twice a day, but he may have to have his ear c.u.t. o.f.f. (If anyone has a cat with white ears - watch them!)

Anyway, here he is (pre ear crisis). Normal service resumes next week.


  1. Great name for a is also my son's name ;-). I have a friend who has a cat with white ears too and has had similar problems so am thinking of you and Tobias. It was always such a great name when Toby was a teenager and being a pain because I could call him TO.BI.ARSE!

    1. As my family will attest, I adore my cat. Love him! And it is an excellent name - though one given to him by the lovely people at Foal Farm. You're right though. A good name to shout! The other cat is called Maxwell. Seems strange to give these names to a couple of SE London scruffs!


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